01Right to Be treated with respect
A patient has the right to be respected and receive appropriate healthcare services for his/her health protection and promotion regardless of her/his gender, age, religion, social and economical status, and has the right not to be denied without any reasonable explanation.
02Right to Know and Make decisions
A patient has the right to be informed and to request an explanation from the faculty on diagnosis of the condition, treatment plans, anticipated outcomes, expected medical payments, including a right to accept or refuse to consent, to choose to participate in clinical trials and to decide for organ transplantation.
03Right for Confidentiality
A patient has the right for confidentiality regarding his/her medical examination records, physical secrets, and other privacies that he/she desires to be kept confidential unless there is patient consent or the disclosure is required by law or criminal investigations.
04Right to Request for Mediation/Arbitration
If medical disputes occur, a patient has the right to contact Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Agency (K-medi).
01Trust and Respect Obligation
A patient has the responsibility to provide, to the best of his/her knowledge, accurate and complete information in connection with his/her health conditions to his/her medical staff, and show respect and cooperate fully with the treatment plan.
02Ethical Obligation
A patient has the responsibility to reveal his/her identity prior to medical services and is not allowed to find medical services using other's name in an untruthful and illegal way.
In case of conflict, arbitration may be registered with MJAC (Medical Judgment Arbitration Committee) under the provision of Article 54, Item 2 of Korean Medical Law. For more information, contact K-medi counseling center :